Wednesday 19 February 2014

Episode 3: 'Breakfast (with a side-order of culture)'

OK, so maybe I handled my meeting with the council badly. One or two escaped souls is NOT that big a deal. Besides, it’s not like Reaping is something you can pick up in a day. A decade later and I’m still honing my craft.

Between trips to the cinema.

What can I say, Flip, I’m a man of culture.

I would hardly call ‘comic book movies’ culture, Lee.

‘The Dark Knight Rises’ was a cinematic masterpiece, Ruby! (True.) Besides, after meeting Mr Fuckswithlee, I think my ‘cultural expeditions’ are going to be somewhat limited for the time being.

It says here your Watcher’s name is Mr Smith?

Is there any toast left? I think I’m beginning to eat a hole in my own stomach through sheer starvation.

Thanks for that.

My pleasure. I do enjoy our little supper-time chats.

Supper-time? What are you, 7? Besides, it’s Flip’s (and the rest of the Flipsider world’s) breakfast time.

Gotta love the night shifts Roobs. I intend to start loving mine again, soon as I can get rid of Mr Fuckmylife.

A-hem. Smith.

I know!

He sounds strict.

Strict! Flip. The guy makes Adolf Hitler look like Barney the fucking dinosaur…plus he’s a racist.

Don’t talk shit.

I’m serious. Soon as he heard my melodious Irish tones I swear I saw his eyes harden.

It could also have been that t-shirt you’re wearing…

“My boss is a cun-”

My mum bought me this shirt!

(Also true.)

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