Thursday 13 February 2014

Episode 2: 'A Reaper, a Tooth Faery and a Flipsider walk into a bar..'

Typical! You inadvertently allow a couple of spirits to wander free-


Exactly! A couple; allowed to temporarily escape the fast track to their final resting place, and for that they slap you with gross negligence. Bit extreme, no? Public transport isn’t exactly the equivalent of a firey-eyed steed, far from it. I’d like to see the council track down a fat bloke called Jeff who’s one Ginsters off his final heart-attack, on a bus, during rush hour. I mean, I’m good at my job-


But that’s crazy. What do they think I am?

Employee of the month?

Employee off the month!

Why do I feel like we’ve had this conversation before?
I don’t think it helped that you called the head of the council a “bell-end”.

What can I say, Flip, I was lost in the moment. (Plus, he is!)

He is your uncle. 


So, now what?

Now my dear Ruby, now…um…I…

It says here that you’re on probation.

Well that doesn’t sound too bad.

For six months-

What?! Flip, please tell me you're joking.

Might teach you not to be so blasé about your duties.

You can talk, Mrs ‘left an entire night’s worth of I.O.U notes so she could take a taxi home.’

It was raining. Besides, I paid them all didn’t I?

(Bet that confused the little’uns no-end.)

Another round?

Same again Flip.

Aye, cheers man.
It says here that I am to “report to my appointed Watcher who will then accompany me throughout my duties twice weekly”. For fucks sake!

…You never know, she might be totally fit?

Yes, and pre-paid credit cards might suddenly start shooting out of my arse. I’ll bend, you check…

My Nan’s a Watcher you know.

Case in point.

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